Services Offered


Vocational training helps in acquiring a skill to the best of the person's ability which in turn becomes a source of their living. Employment is an important ingredient in combating poverty, thereby making a person self-sustainable and living a life with dignity in society. Employment for special children who are differently abled is a crucial step towards their rehabilitation and empowerment. We at Shukai Centre for Special Needs, aim at assisting such children by engaging them in different activities and assessing their ability depending on the task performed to make them self-sufficient for sheltered and open employment.


Sport is an important aspect of human daily life. It helps to improve a child's motor abilities and social skills and improves the sleep cycle. Sports promote positive advancements in students with special needs. We at Shukai Centre for Special Needs, try our best to engage children with special needs in sports, to increase their competency in gross motor skills, improve self-esteem, social skills, etc. thereby creating a sense of happiness of achievement.


Occupational therapy can be an effective way to help kids with disabilities perform meaningful activities that enhance their lives. Occupational therapy in special needs children helps them in many areas of development like pre-writing skills, gross motor, everyday life chores, etc. Apart from fine motor strength and coordination, it can have a positive impact on many other areas of a child's development. We at Shukai Centre for Special Needs, try our best to help children with occupational therapy to create an impact in their life.


Education, is the right of every child, regardless of the difficulties they face. It is one of the most valuable services that a parent can secure for a child who lives with a learning disability. Every child is different. Each child performs a task to the best of his/her ability. Special Education, Open School Training, School Readiness, and Language Programme are of great importance for children with learning disabilities because it allows them to get quality education in line with their unique needs. We at Shukai Centre for Special Needs follow an individualized educational plan, structured teaching procedures along with adaptive learning material and try our best to help such children to grow to their full potential. ART THERAPY: Art can be a way to communicate for people who find it hard to express their thoughts and feelings verbally. Art therapy has proven to be a successful form of treatment for special education students and kids with other disabilities and disorders. It allows children to express themselves in non-verbal ways through the use of art tools and supplies. We at Shukai Centre for Special Needs take care of this need.


A parent is the first teacher a child will have. Achieving independence is important to our existence. Life skills for special needs children play an essential role in improving sensory processing, communication, safety, social relationships, and ultimately, acquiring independence. We at Shukai Centre for Special Needs try our best to make such children independent.


Parents are a child's first and best advocate. They play an important role in the progress of the child and adults with special needs. Parents go through a lot of stress, and fatigue and face many other challenges in managing a child at home. We at Shukai Centre for Special Needs, empower parents by training and counseling them to overcome such problems